Solutions > E-Products > Software
SoftwareYou plan to sell computer software products worldwide, or you want your own software to be used at international branches. Red & Blue project managers team up our linguists, engineers and designers to make sure that your software is localized in the language and to the regional standard of your target market.
Staffing: • Project manager • Translator and proofreader • Software engineer • Designer for desktop publishing (DTP) Product: With our consistent localization service, your software product will have the look and feel of a product originally written and designed for the target market, including units of measure, number formats, address formats, time and date formats, paper sizes, fonts, default font selection, case differences, character sets, sorting, word separation and hyphenation, local regulations, copyright issues, data protection, payment methods, currency conversion, and taxes. All localized software is rigorously tested prior to delivery. To speak with a RABI representative about your e-learning needs, please call or email us today. 617-945-7093 [email protected] |
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